Friday, December 10, 2010


You could almost see me with a camera ever where I go. Multiple times in my life as a photographer, i have gotten to the point of not even wanting to pick up a is almost like a dry period. I love memories! Tonight I realized that even through the massive amounts of photos that I have can find joy! The joy...of friendships that bought you laughter and tears. The Memory of a time in your life when you thought your world was crashing in on you, but then you realize and see the Goodness of everything up to the point of today. My photos do that for me!

They remind me of how much I have grown up not only in photography, but also in life! People will come and go in your life, but you don't really realize how much of a blessing they were until after they are gone! I always saw my photos as something that didn't matter to people, but they matter to me. They are my timeline! They map out my story, and the different things I have done and been able to experience. They bring me back to a time before I even knew Christ, indulging in my sin and living a life devoted to myself, but also they bring blessings and a thankful heart.

They bring me back to the faces that shared the gospel, they take me to NYC 2006, where i surrendered my life to Christ, they take me back to the multiple times I have turned away from God with idolizing relationships and choosing a boy, alcohol, and just a constant battle against my flesh. They remind me of the love of Christ, and just how God has blessed me with friendships that will bring me back and push me to know Him even when I didn't want to be obedient and they show me the power of Christ, through their lives of being made a new creation or living a life that is following fully after Christ.

We are never content with our lives and always wishing for something different, to be somewhere different. Antisipating and thinking/planning on how our lives will be in the next 5 to 10 years. I look back at the massive amounts of photos I do have and even catch myself wanting to go back, ponding on memories of decisions made or actions taken, wanting to take them back or just wanting to experince them again because they brought joy and laughter and it seems like everything was simple, easier.

"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."-Psalm 139:16

Everything that has, is and ever will happen in my life, has happpened because God allowed it to happen. Just as I made a choice to surrender my life to Christ, with that choice I choose to accept everything God had instore for me.