Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Summer 2011 is going/ and has been so much change. For the past year and half i have been leaving with a very special lady, Aubree! She has been a huge part of my life all the way back to freshman year when God used her as a vesicle to bring me to him. She challenged me in my purpose, she has been there for rebuke, teaching, laughter, and even just a shoulder to cry on. The decision for her to leave Jonesboro was not a shock, but it didn't become real until the actual announcement at the last Campus Outreach meeting and she began packing up her room!

With Aubree leaving we had room for a new comer...well we got 4! Which means for the summer we have 6 ladies living in a 2 bedroom and laundry room (which we use as a bedroom) and 1 bathroom house! The past two weeks have been a combination of emotions! There has been stress, excitement, some frustration at times...but i think the anticipation of just having all the girls moved in and just being able to adjust to how we will be living for the next 3 months.

It will be Day 3 of everybody officially being moved in! The ladies of Melrose are 3 Pickle sisters (Danielle-who will have her own room, Karen & Lydia-who will share Aubree's old room) and the remanding 3 are Miss. Lyndsey Rush-who will be with us till the end of May and Miss. Brennan Moore and Myself. Another addition at the beginning of June is Lindsey Moore! I know that this summer is going to be good for all of us! The reactions of having 6 girls live in a house with one bathroom is shock...but I really do believe it is doable...at least that is my payer! Day 3, like i said and it has been nothing but laughter! Monday night was spent with friends and the roomies around a bonfire roosting marshmallows and making smores. Here is a link to a video Miss. Lyndsey recorded..the commentary is the best part! http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=2011986349031

For me...one of the most exciting things is...if you don't know I have been out of school for the past year and half, but all of that is about to change! I will be back in school in the fall and taking a summer course in Summer I. Registering for classes was so unreal and with the past year and a half i am so ready to be back and get this all past me and move forward! The only sad thing is missing the Family vacation to Texas in June, because of the summer class! It is disappointing but guess as you grow up you have to make those decisions!