Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seeing Beyond.....

The Ideal picture of God's Woman:
-Faith in God that sees beyond the present bitter setbacks
-Freedom from the securities and comforts of the world
-Courage to venture into the unknown and strange
-Radical commitment in the relationship appointed by God.
For us to become the women that God has created, we have to first have salvation, but through that gift of Salvation we have to understand that it brings absolute joy. Faith in God that sees beyond the present bitter setbacks is a challenge for me, not to be drivin by my circumstances. The idea of having a good day because nothing went wrong, people were nice to you, your boss didn't have something discouraging to say...or you just have money in the bank. These are not were our joy should be found. On Sunday the pastor of the church I attend, hit the meaning of Biblical Joy really hard. It is amazing that the things you are struggling with God can open his word and blindside you with answers and guidance that you didn't think you would fnd in such a short time.

I find myself this week, being satisfiyed with God. I have literally been broke since the begining of January. Money was "supose" to come in at certian points but things obviously didn't go according to plan. I cant even count the number of days that i have eaten Noodles!, but the last 2 days I found some Frozen chicken that I had no idea that I had. Don't ever let anybody tell you that once you are out of school Life gets easier! Which now it shows me how greatful I should be for Christ that I don't have to live for circumstances, that all I need is him. And even though I have been broke (and if you dont really know me, my life has been ran by my circustance, if you haven't been able to tell yet) my car being MIA since September (and that is a whole story..maybe ill blog about later)....God is still and will remain Good!

Proverbs 31:25..."she looks into the future with confidence in God and laughs at the coming trouble." With this verse it reminds me to look beyond my circumstances, and that i don't have to worry...because worrying doesn't change, add or help those situations.

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